Saturday, June 14, 2014


Although summer can be stressful for some, regardless of who or what you are, the very beginning of summer always has a zen, relaxing quality to it. Beach bike rides, late breakfasts, farmers market stroll, etc.

Here are a few songs that always take me back to those relaxing times...

"We Went Wild" - Lord Huron

"Vacation" - Beach Fossils

"French Navy" - Camera Obscura

"Ghost" - Bombay Bicycle Club


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Metronomy !!!!

In honor of a concert that we are going to on June 17th ( I know a whiles away), this post is dedicated to everything Metronomy. This british electronic music group has been around since the late '90s and I only discovered them a couple of months ago. Oh, how I've been missing out!

"I'm Aquarius"- Probably my favorite song by Metronomy. So tranquilizing.

"The Bay" - Love the music video

"The Look" - Definitely their most popular song. Almost as good as "I'm Aquarius"

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Throw Back Thursday !!!!!

Hey everyone! Soooo this post is going to be the first of many throw back Thursday posts !! One of my all time favorite tv shows -- The OC -- introduced me to this artist at a very young age.
One of Seth Cohen's favorites.
Rooney !!!!

Some of our Rooney favorites...

"Where Did Your Heart Go Missing" is suuuuucchhhh a California classic.  I mean come on, look at the music video !!

"I'm Shakin" Warning: Extremely catchy. May get stuck in you head for hours.

"I Can't Get Enough" I can't help but bust a move when listening to this one.


Monday, May 19, 2014


It's just one of those Humdrum days. It's hot and quiet and calm. And The Growlers made a song that's perfect for the occasion.

"Humdrum Blues"


Sunday, May 18, 2014

First Post -- New Artist on the Loose !!

Hey everyone! So, this is the first post of many on this new, beach inspired music blog. I hope y'all enjoy !

Dan Croll.
This young Brit oozes with potential and just released his first album Sweet Disarray. Over the past weekend I became slightly obsessed with a few songs in particular...

"Compliment Your Soul"

"From Nowhere"

"Wanna Know"

"In / Out"
